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--> The Seven Sisters [Audio]【楽天海外直送】【英語の本】【洋書】|セブンを自宅にいながら激安でゲット

The Seven Sisters [Audio]Maia D'Apliese and her five sisters gather together at their childhood home, "Atlantis"-a fabulous, secluded castle that their beloved father, the elusive billionaire they call Pa Salt, has died. Maia and her sister were all adopted by him as babies and, discovering he has already been buried at sea, each of them is handed a tantalizing clue to their true heritage- a clue which takes Maia across the world to a crumbling mansion in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. Once there, she begins to put together the pieces of where her story began . . . Eighty years earlier, in the Belle Eqopue of Rio, 1927, Izabela Bonifacio's father has aspirations for his daughter to marry into aristocracy. Meanwhile, architect Heitor da Silva Costa is working on a statue, to be called Christ the Redeemer, and will soon travel to Paris to find the right sculptor to complete his vision. Izabela-passionate and longing to see the world- convinces her father to allow her to accompany him and his family to Europe before she is married. There, at Paul Landowski's studio and in the heady, vibrant cafes of Montparnasse, she meet ambitious young sculptor Laurent Brouilly, and knows to one that her life will never be the same again. In this sweeping epic tale of love and loss-the first in a unique, spellbinding series of seven books, based on the legends of the Seven Sisters star constellation-Lucinda Riley showcases her storytelling talent like never before.Dimensions: 13.6 x 17.7 x 4.3 centimetres (0.51 kg)Maia D'Aplieseと彼女の5人の姉妹が、彼らの父親、彼らがPa Saltと呼ぶ難しい億万長者が死亡した、素晴らしい、一人旅の城「アトランティス」、子供時代の家で一緒に集まります。






一方、建築家Heitor da Silva Costaは、キリストを救い主と呼ぶ像に取り組んでいます。




ポール・ランドフォスキーのスタジオと活気にあふれたモンパルナスのカフェでは、野心的な若い彫刻家Laurent Brouillyに会い、彼女の人生が変わらないことを誰にも知らせています。

セブンシスタースター星座の伝説に基づいて、7つの本のユニークな、綴りのシリーズの最初のこの壮大な大胆な物語で、Lucinda Rileyはこれまでにないほど彼女のストーリーテリング才能を紹介します。

寸法:13.6 x 17.7 x 4.3センチメートル(0.51 kg)------------------------------------ 当店は、アメリカ カリフォルニアを本店とする海外ショップです。



「伝票番号の追跡サイトへの反映には10日程度かかります」 当店のカード決済代行会社は Rakuten Commerce LLC です。


ショップ Excellent Imports
税込価格 5,853円